Monday, March 30, 2009

Dhaka Divorce

Daily Star carried an online article stating that the rate of divorces in Dhaka city has accelerated and now hovers around the 50-55 percent. The article further expostulates that one of the reasons for such a high percentage is credited to divorces becoming less of a social stigma and more of a expectant result of partners unwilling to compromise and make amends unlike their parents' generations. But the striking aspect of this article is that Dhaka women are initiating divorces in droves!

Hurrah! Finally a positive acknowledgement that women can and are seeking divorces when marriages fall apart. Unlike the older generations, women don't feel compelled to remain in dead unions because of social and economical shortcomings in being a divorcee. Dhaka women, now, are financially secure, mentally prepared, and socially confident to take the lead and end relationships.

According to one friend who had several concrete examples to validate her theory, she stated that divorced women are more likely to get remarried in a swfit cycle than their single counterparts.

However, it must be noted that only Dhaka women from the upper echeleons are more prone to initiate divorces because of their financial stability, familial support, and social acceptance. Their lower socio-economic counterparts are still shackled with typical social taboos regarding marital and divorce statuses. In most cases, these women would rather endure bitter and abusive relationships rather than lose their husbands and thereby their identities and financial securities.
Yet I feel there is hope for all of us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

family support has to be the most important thing for these women. i remember when a friend of mine wanted a divorce, her family was astoundingly supportive and thats what she needed the most. she had to endure a lot of cruel accusations from her in-laws before the divorce but her family was by her side the entire time.

i'm happy to say she's happily remarried now :)