Monday, April 6, 2009

What happens when an earthquake strikes?

The devastating earthquake in Italy has so far claimed more than 100 lives. Striking during the night, it surprised and devoured most of the landscape and human lives that could have been otherwise saved one hopes. However, the extensive and efficient search and rescue operations conducted by Italian police and local citizens is a testament of human compassion and solidarity.

But I cannot help but compare the earthquake that struck Italy to any possible earthquakes that strike Dhaka. Italy sits squarely on the map of developed and thriving nations, however, even the most advanced countries cannot survive nature's wrath. The images of rubble, destruction, bodies, and survivors emerging from graves of sand and stone are quite a contrast to the usual impression of Italy that we possess. Yet we see once again that nature is far more potent, destructive, and powerful.

Now imagine if an earthquake of that magnitude or slightly less occured in Dhaka or anywhere else in Bangladesh. What will happen? How will the landscape be altered? And how many innocent lives will be claimed? These are rational fears that must be answered. After watching the fire that consumed Bashundhara Mall while the masses, fire brigade, politicians, ineffectively stood on the sidelines, how will we cope if a devastating quake strikes us? Do we have any policies, plans, and actions in store in cases of quake emergencies? 

I fear how many ordinary citizens on the streets will suffer and perish for our own follies in not protecting ourserlves beforehand. 


Anonymous said...

i'll tell u what'll happen. a lot of people's nice cars will be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

and the ordinary citizens on the streets, if you mean the poor people in the bostis, will be ok.

its us fat cats in our high-rise apartments that should be worried.

What percentage of these apartments do you think are built earthquake-proof, beginning with the first floor garages?