Thursday, July 9, 2009

Justice Rabbani, Sodom, and Homosexuality

On the heels of the epic decriminalization of homosexuality in India, Justice Rabbani of Bangladesh decided to spew in local Bangla newspapers his view on the matter. Among his colourful rant, is the claim that homosexuality is against Islamic law. One of the trite debates that have been tossed around in conjunction with the story of the town of Sodom that was demolished by Allah for being a hot bed of inhumane activities to exemplify how the Quran preaches against homosexuality.

Naturally people from both sides of the debate have their own conflicting interpretations of the story of Sodom. Some say the homosexual residents engaged in sexual acts of rape and bestiality, and even tried to rape one of the messengers of Allah. Others say Allah was displeased with the residents because they were inhospitable. And others have far different interpretations.

Yet, this story is utilized repeatedly as the crux to denote when and how the Quran tackles the issue of homosexuality. Religion obviously is injected into this issue to either exonerate or disclaim homosexuality. Yet, it’s puzzling that a story that has myriad interpretations and misinterpretations is always used as the standard in approving or disapproving of the lifestyle.

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