Thursday, July 9, 2009

Iran Iran Iran

As a person who loves to watch revolutions from the confines of my telly, I was glued into the events that unfolded in Iran. Showing my solidarity with the Iranian green movement, I posted stories, articles etc relevant to their cause in order to encourage people to stay abreast of their historic struggle.

So imagine how upset I felt when I saw the state beat and brutalize their people into fear and eventually reluctant submission. Now the streets have been cleared of all marchers and dissent. The only form of dissonance is expressed through nightly collective shouts of Allahu Akbar by brave Iranians from their roof tops, a slogan directly taken from the heady days of the Islamic Revolution in the late 1970s.

Now with President Ahmadinejad speaking out against western agents working in conjunction to topple the glorious empire that is their theocracy, as well as arresting British diplomatic staff as foreign agents, some pivotal Islamic clerics have spoken out in mild tones in support of the people. They haven’t denounced the president or their supreme leader, but have protested against the harsh police brutality against the demonstrators.

It sure does feel like Iran’s rigid political and religious hold on the population is slowly unraveling.

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