Sunday, September 6, 2009

One woman defies, another woman accepts

While one woman draws the world’s attention on defying Sudanese law to punish her for wearing pants in public, another woman demurely accepts her punishment and even requests a public lashing to repent for her transgression of drinking alcohol in a Malaysian bar. Both of those women are facing public punishments for violating alleged Islamic laws, but their reactions to their supposed crimes cannot be farther apart.

Lubna Hussain, a journalist (who I now read is a Muslim), is garnering as much attention as possible on opposing the Islamic law that had her arrested for wearing pants in public. As she defiantly questions where in the Quran it is written women cannot wear pants (paraphrased).

Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a Malysian model, is scheduled to be caned in public for being caught drinking beer at a bar. In Malaysia, Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. Instead of defying the law, she complied with the punishment meted out and even asked to be publicly caned. Her rationale being she has no right to oppose Islamic law, and that her public caning will educate Muslims to stay away from alcohol.

One woman defies, another woman accepts.

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