Thursday, June 25, 2009

IRAN and Us

The past week has seen a massive crackdown on the demonstrators at Iran. Images of the Basij (paramilitray) force indiscriminately beating and trampling on the protestors epitomize the suppression of a democratic movement.

The demonstrations against the alleged election fraud was heralded by the international community as a long overdue national call for reforms in a theocratic regime. Watching thousands of thousands of Iranian nationals take to the streets protesting seeking new elections hit home for the viewers worldwide. In unity, we empthasized with the Iranians, watched in horror at the brutal retaliation from the government, and sympathzied with the countless martyrs that were killed for their beliefs and rights.

Faced with the massive throngs of people clamoring for their votes/voices to be heard, the regime obstinately stood by their decision to NOT nullify the election results that re-elected Ahmednijad. One would think that a theocratic regime that was borne of a revolution of young Iranians against the blatant corruption of the Shah's regime would think twice before disregarding the populace's stance. Yet the supreme leader, Khamenei, repeatedly condemned further demonstrations by the people as anti-government activites that would be harshly punished. As a result, mass demonstrations that took place after Khamenei's speech was met with brute force by the Basij.

It is inspiring to see so many young Iranian females clad in their hijabs and jeans march determinedly in the processions, screaming and shouting for their voices with the masses, refusing to give in when beaten by the Basij, and aiding the male comrades to fight back against the government's crackdown. Their active and fearless participation to place themselves in harm's way shows how the current generations of Iranian women born after the 1979 Revolution are indeed eager and courageous to fight for their rights.

Many prominent journalists are saying that the seed for a pro-reform revolution in Iran has been planted. Now only time will ripe the benefits. As we continue to watch and monitor the events in Iran, we can only hope that the Iranianscontinue to remain firm, fearless, and optimistic that their voices will indeed be acknowledged.

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